Reports and Letters

Trademark Examiner - 'Adverse' Report Letter

Have you received an ‘Adverse‘ Trademark Examiners Report (Objection) or a Notification of Refusal in relation to an Australian Trademark Application?

We will provide you with advice recommendations, or attend to such correspondence to the Trademarks office Examiner on your behalf. 

Upon reviewing the correspondence we will communicate with you advising you of the most appropriate strategy to achieve your objective.

In dealing with your initial notification of refusal for registration we attend to the following matters:

  • Review and Analyse the report
  • Identify appropriate strategies to respond to the report
  • Prepare comprehensive submissions for the Australian Trademarks Office Examiner
  • Identify and submit relevant evidence if required
  • Liaise and correspond with the Australian Trademarks Office Examiner on your behalf.
  • Or Request a Simple Enquiry Form

Our Recommendation:

Instructing TradeMarks Australia is as easy as ABC… simply complete the submit the form below with a copy of the relevant correspondence, we will then review and communicate accordingly.

Our professional review regarding your letter in relation to advice, options and assistance.

*Review, advice & assistance of Trademarks Office application report – $150.00 Per trademark*

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