A free trademark search will be attended for you, our report including recommendations will also determine your trademarks chance of success or rejection.
NB: Strong Trademark Research is serious, such that it is important we do not have a mistake.
* Our providing advice & recommendation for you.
BEWARE, searching a Trademark name yourself is not as simple as registering a business name or domain name, trademark research must be thorough.
When conducting a search, it is critical that you search names thoroughly, do you know if you have researched properly?
You may not have completed fully, especially when you will not know your success for many months later, and potentially having to research again!
Trademark matters are very serious, trademark research can be very complex if you are unfamiliar with the implications associated how you can still infringe against any trademarks that are similar.
We have comprehensive thorough trademark search, we will conduct a Professional research advice, recommendation and/or advice on how best you should move forward.
Simple Enquiry Form – **Also very helpful conversation with you if you require.